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Linner Linde - Symbolbaum für Herzlichkeit.
The more that we allow our hearts to expand to love, deeply appreciate, and feel inextricably tied to the places and trees which are our...

Intelligente Bäume
Eine faszinierende Reise durch das "Wood Wide Web" Können Bäume tatsächlich miteinander sprechen? Kann es sein, dass Mutter-Bäume sich...

Forest Man
Forest Man One person can make a difference! Watch and share this inspiring film about Jadav Payeng, a man who planted an entire forest ...

Climbing the World's Tallest Trees
Climbing the World's Tallest Trees Giant sequoias can live for thousands of years and, as a result, achieve astonishing heights. They...

Sattes Grün, frische Luft, raschelnde Blätter, Lichtblicke unter den Bäumen sind nicht nur erhol-, sondern auch sehr heilsam. "Shinrin...

A Forest Year was made from 40,000 still images taken from a front window over 15 months, and were blended into the film. Find out more...
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